Tips & Tricks

Example Shortcuts

Backup Menu Sets

Backup all menu sets to (or restore from) a zip file.

 Download the Shortcut

Quick Menu Demo

Examples of different types of icon you can generate with the Quick Menu action.

 Download the Shortcut

Dark Mode Menu

A demonstration of how to load different menus depending on whether light or dark mode is enabled.

 Download the Shortcut

URL Scheme


You can long-press a menu set to get its ID.

Menu Box adopts a URL scheme that allows you to programmatically navigate to parts of the app by opening a link.

Action URL
Open App menubox://
Settings menubox://settings
Symbol Library menubox://symbols
Documentation menubox://documentation
New Set Entry menubox://new-set
Open Set menubox://set?name=SETNAME
Open Set menubox://set?id=SETID